Come join me in my written wanderings.
Here there be books
You have crossed the electronic ocean and found yourself on the shores of my imagination. Please, be welcome here. I am both the author and guide in this place. Be warned though, as an author of horror, romance, fantasy and poetry, my tales may take you down twisting paths you’ve not seen before. My books have teeth and their tongues speak truth. Because truth is sharp, it may take an entire story to wrap a single shard up safely enough to be delivered to your hand.
Inside my pages you will find heartbreak and hope, painful lows and ecstatic highs. Many fear to complete the journey, but the ending is worth it. If I have promised a happily ever after for a tale, it will come…but there is a gauntlet to be passed through first. Endings are all the sweeter for seeing the characters through their harrowing risks. At least it is so in my romance. If it’s horror you came for, then horror you will find. From spine-tingling chills to terrors you will find the truth of unwise choices and unfortunate chance meetings. Beware of greed and unwarranted devotion, they can lead to dark roads and dead ends indeed. When it comes to the fantasy and science fiction, they contain all these things for love and death are the extremes of the human condition and all else falls in-between. As for the poetry? Ah, that’s a secret. The rest is writing guides with hints of what lies ahead for those who seek to follow the trail of ink tattooed on the leaves of dead trees. May they prove a signpost for you in your own wanderings.
Paladin’s Honor
(Coming in October 2021)
Keepers of Knowledge Division of Sciences series:
A Phantom Song
(Coming in November)
Lost Heroes 2 Firefly’s Tale
Lost Heroes 2: Osprey’s Tale
Love at the End of all Things
Haiku for Lovers: An Anthology of Love and Lust
(By Buttontapper Press)
The Under-Circus and Other Tales
(with Robert W. Barry)
The Rogues Gallery: The Illustrated Police News
Edited by Dr. Alex Scully
(By Firbolg Publishing)
The one, the only
A. Carina Spears
Who I Am
If you have made it this far, you must truly want to know. I am A. Carina Spears. Some of my works will be listed under A. Carina Barry or Angela Barry. While I have mostly written fiction, I have a few non-fiction pieces, mostly discussing writing or magical systems.
I have always been fond of Thomas the Rhymer for getting to visit fairyland and bring back tales. So I have been doing my best to travel this great, wide world and see what there is to see and meet whom there is to meet. At this point, it is fair to say that I’ve seen some things. If you want to talk about magic, adventure, spirits, daydreams, games, food, pets, or books, I’m probably interested. I drink tea, like cats, and write books. If you like these things, too, then you are probably in the right place.
Contact: lady_gryffon@yahoo.com